Friday, April 5, 2013

Spring Leaf Pick- Up

                       The City of Wilmington Public Works Department will be picking up leaves April 22 thru May 2

Leaves must be piled in the parkway in front of your home, up on the curb. There will be no leaf pick-up in alleys. 

Please place the leaves in a row parallel to the street.

It is important not to put leaves in the street as they can block storm sewers and lead to flooding.

This is a leaf pick-up only. No bags or boxes. Continue to use yard waste bags for grass clippings and garden debris to be picked up separately by Waste Management on your regular pick-up day.

Vehicles parked in front of leaf piles may prohibit pick-up. We encourage you to move vehicles as needed.

If you have any questions, please call the Public Works Department at 1-815-476-3104